Sfg Bishops Robert and Brenda Morrell
Senior Pastor

Elder Bobby Sanders

Trustee Robert B Morrell

Sfg Bishop Kandy Akers
Assistant Pastor

Evangelist Nechelle Sanders

Sfg Bishop Jeffrey Akers

Minister Gordon Crump

Minister Ronald Morrell, Jr.
Minister / Worship Leader

Trustee Curtis Garr
There is a place for you to join our team.
December 2002, Elder Robert Morrell was driving along Pennsylvania Avenue and saw a for sale sign posted at 732, approximately 9 acres of prime real estate. In February 2003, Elder Morrell's brother, Pastor Anthony Morrell, Sr., invited him and his wife, Evangelist Brenda, to preach a Soul Winner's Conference at God's Glory Apostolic Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Elder and Evangelist Morrell preached three nights. The Lord blessed with many miracles of healing and deliverance. Seven people were baptized in Jesus name during that conference.
When they returned home, the Lord spoke to Elder Morrell and said "It's time. You have been faithful to your church and you have been faithful to the community." Elder and Evangelist Morrell met with their pastor District Elder David H. Birchett telling him of their desire to start a church. He responded with confirmation saying "You've been faithful to your church and you've been faithful to the community. You have my blessings." Immediately after that meeting, Elder Morrell remembered the land on Pennsylvania Avenue. He called the realtor and asked the price of the land as a possible site for their new church. They wanted $120,000. He offered $70,000. They settled on $73,600. Elder and Evangelist Morrell did not have the money for the land. They saw a Ditech.com commercial and called about a home mortgage. They mortgaged their home to purchase the land.
Elder Morrell, an experienced draftsman, drew up a design for the 12,000 square foot church building and a large pond situated on 9 acres of land. Robert Arendale Architects did the rendering for $16,500. They took the plans to three banks seeking a construction loan. One banker responded by citing deliberations were needed because Elder and Evangelist Morrell had no congregation or pastoral experience. The other two banks said no. They applied at a third bank, Grant County State Bank. While waiting for their decision, Elder Morrell prayed telling the needed closure on the banking process. God answered, "Its' done." Elder Morrell immediately called banker Randy Stone. He said, "Yes, you have the bank's commitment and depending on how well you know your contractors you can begin construction."
On August 22, 2003, Elder and Evangelist Morrell went to the bank to sign the mortgage. Elder Morrell asked, "Do you know what today is?" Randy Stone said, "This is the day you sign your life away.: Elder Morrell said, "This me and my wife's 39th wedding anniversary." The bank loaned 70% of the funds to build the building. The rest of the money needed was obtained by selling a rental property they owned for many years. They tried to sell that rental for but God has set time and purpose for the funds.
Living Water Apostolic Church, Incorporated opened for services for on February 1, 2004, with nine people of the Morrell Family Family, Deacon and Sister Ed Bailey, Mother Francis Piatt, Doug Simon, Jill Stewart, Randy Smith, Roger and Julia Shallenberger together with about 80 guest consisting of family, friends, and visitors. Elder and Evangelist Morrell became Pastors Robert and Brenda Morrell. The official installation service was conducted in May 2004 by Suffragan Bishop Haywood, ABSA Council, Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Incorporated.
The church building was built by Pastor Denton Howard of Jonesboro House of Prayer. The interior was designed and constructed by Pastors Morrell, Assistant Pastor Kandy Morrell, Trustee Robert Morrell, Brother Ronald Morrell, Sr., Brother Doug Simon, Brother Randy Smith, Joe Smith-Smith Brothers Plumbing and Heating, Bournique Electric, Carl Johnson-Johnson Ceramic Tile, Rick Toy and Rodney Hunley - Quality Painting, Kyle MAB Paints, Gary Mattos, Charles Barber, and Charlie Ward. Legal work was conducted by Attorney Charles Herriman.
This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes, The church continues steadfastly in the Apostles' doctrine. The Lord adds to the church daily such as should be saved.